Summer Styling with Pepper
Summer has just about arrived, and we are THRILLED. The wait for summer has felt like decades this year which means we’re pulling out all the stops when it comes to our wardrobes.
With lockdown purchases that have barely seen the light of day, as well as catching up on new trends as the shops begin to reopen, we need looks that will make up for the amount of time we have regrettably spent in our pjs over the last year.
Our Pepper girls are out and about again, so we thought we’d share some of our favourite looks showing the latest Pepper collection styled with the season’s hottest trends. Which is your fave?
With lockdown purchases that have barely seen the light of day, as well as catching up on new trends as the shops begin to reopen, we need looks that will make up for the amount of time we have regrettably spent in our pjs over the last year.
Our Pepper girls are out and about again, so we thought we’d share some of our favourite looks showing the latest Pepper collection styled with the season’s hottest trends. Which is your fave?
The Pepper Bucket in White featuring @charlottegshore
The Pepper Waffle in Check featuring @hollieslook
The Pepper Waffle in Beige featuring @abbieholborn
Pepper Teddy in Brown featuring @jazminejaynenichol
Pepper Teddy in Cream featuring @bethanmccoy